Type Annotations
In certain cases, the type of an expression cannot be properly inferred by the compiler. In order to help the type checker, you can annotate an expression with its desired type. Here is an example:
type parameter = Back | Claim | Withdraw
type storage = {
owner : address;
goal : tez;
deadline : timestamp;
backers : (address, tez) map;
funded : bool
let back (param : unit) (store : storage) : operation list * storage = (* Annotation *)
if Tezos.get_now () > store.deadline then failwith "Deadline passed."
match Map.find_opt (Tezos.get_sender ()) store.backers with
None ->
let backers = Map.update (Tezos.get_sender ()) (Some (Tezos.get_amount ())) store.backers
in [], {store with backers=backers}
| Some (x) -> [], store
type parameter =
| ["Claim"]
| ["Withdraw"];
type storage = {
owner : address,
goal : tez,
deadline : timestamp,
backers : map<address, tez>,
funded : bool
const back = (param : unit, store : storage) : [list<operation>, storage] => { // Annotation
let no_op = list([]);
if (Tezos.get_now() > store.deadline) {
return failwith ("Deadline passed.");
else {
return match(Map.find_opt (Tezos.get_sender(), store.backers)) {
when(None()): do {
let backers = Map.update(Tezos.get_sender(), Some(Tezos.get_amount()), store.backers);
return [no_op, {...store, backers:backers}];
when(Some(x)): [no_op, store]